Short Locks VS Long Locks

20170617_082523So, my lover has pretty long locks that I adore, its one of the many things I adore about her. The roots are black and the ends are tinted in gold, great colour combination according to me. Now this woman has been completely supportive of my locks journey since we met, I started my locks 2 months or so before we met so they were pretty short when she met me. She reckoned they were the cutest thing ever and she loved playing with the, it took me a while to get used to her infatuation with my small locks really.

Anyways , our relationship has been going strong and my locks are slowly growing long, I am quite impressed with the growth really and also the fact that she is still with my crazy ass although she is more crazy and moody that I am. Never in my life did it ever occur to me that I will date someone who has moods worse than mine, how do I begin to deal with them whilst I am learning to deal with myself.

Back to my short locks, so we agreed after lengthy discussions that she will finally do her ”fuck girl” hairstyle and she will give me her locks to add to mine as she would rather have me have her locks instead of someone else’s locks or me cutting my locks due to me being impatient. I simply cannot win with this one and I have made peace with it.

So lately she is on a roll and is just making fun of my short locks at every opportunity she gets, she doesn’t play around with the hair anymore she makes fun of it. When we take pictures , randomly she just picks onĀ  them and we end up with pictures like the one we have above.

Anyways, I need to find a way to deal with her before I kill her in her sleep although she looks hella cute when sleeping but she thinks it is funny and its not , maybe it is a bit funny bit I can’t admit that to her.

So if you have any tips on how to murder your girlfriend without actually killing her, do send some tips this way.


Yours truly.

Girl with the short locks